Dates of events
What is the price for renting the tested equipment?
We will lend you the equipment for a test drive completely free of charge!
Do I need the ID in order to rent the equipment?
Yes, you will need the ID or other proof of identity.
What can I test and what do I need to own?
We only rent snowboards and bindings in our test centre. You will need your own snowboard boots, helmet and other equipment.
When can I buy the tested snowboards and bindings and where can I find them?
Tested products can be purchased at a discounted price at the end of the season in April at one of our last stops Test the Best, or in our e-shop in the Used Goods section.
How to Choose a Snowboard Helmet
A helmet should be a must when you're on the slopes, whether you're a skier or a snowboarder. A helmet is primarily a protective piece of equipment, but nowadays it also serves a fashionable function - in our offer you can find helmets of many colours, shapes and sizes.
2. 11. 2022
How to Choose Snowboard Bindings
Rule number one: boots first, bindings second! The right snowboard equipment must match and fit perfectly, so don't underestimate the importance of your choice and follow a few important steps.
24. 10. 2022
How to choose snowboard boots
Choosing new snowboard boots? It doesn't have to be a big unknown. There are several parameters that are crucial to choosing the right boots. The main ones are size and overall flex.
15. 12. 2021
How to choose a snowboard
When choosing a snowboard, it is important that it matches the level and experience of the rider and his overall physical constitution - i.e. height and weight. A beginner with no previous experience should choose a snowboard that is not too specific in its parameters for a specific snowboarding style.
9. 11. 2021