Special offer 35 % off hoodies
23rd February 2016 | 0 comments
Special offer 35 % off for hoodies! Collections fall and winter 2015/2016! Really great pieces, so choose your one!
Burton bags!
22nd February 2016 | 0 comments
Here it is again! Burton bags collection spring 2016 are on the our e-shop right now! Choose your one!
Test the best
18th February 2016 | 0 comments
Come on to Deštné in Orlické hory on Saturday! We will be there with our snowboards and bindings and you could come and test them for free!
Special offer 40 % off for jackets and pants
16th February 2016 | 0 comments
Jackets and pants special offer 40 % off! Collections winter 2015/2016 and the best snowboards brands... Yes!