Photos from freestyle camp
10th February 2016 | 0 comments
Look at to the photos from the Zezula Snowboard freestyle camp in one of the best snowpark in the Czech Republic - Deštné in Orlické hory!
MOVE ON.camp
19th January 2016 | 0 comments
We have one bad and one good news for you. The bad one is that Zezula Snowboard Freestyle Camp is full now, and the good one that are still vacancies on our partner Move On Snowboard Camp!
Photos from party in Fléda!
17th December 2015 | 0 comments
The party was awesome so look at to the photos from this cool evening!
20 years of Snowboard Zezula!
11th December 2015 | 0 comments
Come on to celebrate our 20th birthday to Fléda Club in Brno! You are welcome!