Product of the week: Tire repair with Dynaplug


27th May 2021 | 0 comments

Do you want to be sure that a defect will never be a problem for you again? The sealant in tubeless tires seals a lot of small punctures on its own, but it has its limits. Then comes Dynaplug - an unrivaledly simple and effective tire repair solution.

Loss of pressure in the tire is an age-old scarecrow of all cyclists and bikers. The tubeless system solves this traditional problem to a large extent, so if you happen to still ride on tubes, get rid of them and all your worries are gone! A special sealant seals minor damage on the tire from sharp objects, but it may not be enough for larger holes. Just when you lose pressure in the tire even when using sealant, you will appreciate the Dynaplug repair system.

How does it work?

In short, insert it and you're fixed! Watch a video explaining how to use Dynaplug Micro Pro and understand how incredibly simple it is. The wick of the Dynaplug system reliably seals the opening, then just cut off the excess material, or add pressure and you can go!

    Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

    Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

    58.89 €

      Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

      Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

      58.89 €

        Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

        Dynaplug Micro Pro Kit

        58.89 €

        If you happen to feel that you need to do the repair even faster, choose the Dynaplug Racer set. With it, you can close even a literally giant hole in an absurdly short time. It is used for megawicks, which are three times larger than the standard ones.

          Dynaplug Racer Kit

          Dynaplug Racer Kit

          51.34 €


          Both sets, Micro Pro and Racer, come in a compact aluminum case and weigh just a few tens of grams. When you run out of sealing wicks, all you have to do is buy a replacement with a sharp or round tip, or megawicks.

            Dynaplug Softtip

            Dynaplug Softtip

            15.77 €

              Dynaplug Bullet

              Dynaplug Bullet

              11.82 €

                Dynaplug Air Kit

                Dynaplug Air Kit

                70.75 €

                Dynaplug Air

                Another innovative solution from the Dynaplug workshop is the only one of its kind and will allow you to inflate and repair the tire at the same time! We have the Dynaplug Air Kit in several colors and the unbeatable speed of use is suitable for racers and everyone who simply does not want to linger on repairing a defect. The following video proves that a fat bike tire can be easily repaired and inflated in this way.



                See the entire Dynaplug offer and choose the most suitable solution for you! From now on, an empty tire will only be an unpleasant memory.

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