Contest. Buy, Capture and Win!
28th April 2014 | 0 comments
Do you shop us? Are you a creative person, who is interested in taking photos? Then our contest is sew right for you. Send us a photo of goods you have bought in our online store or at our Brno shop and win a gift vouchers worth up 5 000 CZK.

Terms of contest
Send us a photo with goods from spring collection 2014 that you bought through our online store or retail store on e-mail Be sure you include name, address and phone in your report.
The best chance to win the contest should be funny and creative reports. It isn't about professional photographers so don't be afraid to capture a photo on your phone.
Every one of the contestants can send three pictures at the most.
The contest takes a place until the 19th June 2014!
What can you win?
Prizes are given by voting on Facebook:
1st place - Gift voucher worth a 5000 CZK
2nd place - Gift voucher worth a 2000 CZK
3rd place - Gift voucher worth a 1000 CZK
4th - 7th place - Gift voucher worth a 500 CZK
Prizes are given by jury:
Category "Funny" - Gift voucher worth a 1000 CZK
Category "Creativity" - Gift voucher worth a 1000 CZK
Category "Design quality" - Gift voucher worth a 1000 CZK
Deadlines of contest:
There will be several stages - creating and sending of posts, posting yours posts on Facebook, and voting by public community, selections by jury and awarding of prizes:
- 26th April 2014 - start of contest
- 19th June 2014 - last day, when you can send post
- 20th June 2014 - start of voting on Facebook
- 26th June 2014 at 2 p.m. - end of voting and counting of votes
- 28th June 2014 - awarding of prizes
For more information about voting, prizes and evaluation click HERE.