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Returning Roots. Arbor is giving back to the Earth what is takes from her


28th January 2019 | 0 comments

You probably know Arbor, right? If not, you can fix it right away with us. Arbor is a brand dedicated primarily to the production of great skateboards, snowboards, longboards and, last but not least, clothing. All with a modern and eye-catching design.

In such a production, not only large amounts of wood but also energy are consumed. As far as production is concerned, Arbor follows three basic principles to avoid unnecessary waste of resources. Quality, sustainable materials and planet protection. It is therefore one of the brands that seeks to contribute to a better environment through its actions. We have prepared a short article about how Arbor seeks at least a partial return to the roots.

Since its early beginnings, Arbor has regularly contributed part of its revenue to groups that protect and restore forests and show sustainable management of natural resources. Arbor called the campaign to restore forests Returning Roots and it is not only a one-shot campaign but an ongoing one.

The campaign is mainly used to restore Koa trees in Hawaii, bringing Arbor back to the places and people thanks to whom we know surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding. Hawaiian natives have invented surfing thousands of years ago on boards made of Koa wood. The sports we love today are directly related to this heritage.

Thus, the symbolic name of Returning Roots does not just reflect the roots of the trees that Arbor will return to nature, but also the return to the roots of the sports we love. It's a form of honoring what had been here long before. Its admiration of nature Arbor also expresses in its logo. You are already probably suspecting that the tree in Arbor's logo is not an ordinary one. It's exactly the Koa tree growing in Hawaii.

Thanks to the gentle handling of materials and helping the Forest Restoration Initiative, Arbor significantly helps to restore and return resources back to nature and thus also return the balance. So, if you're jumping on a skate or riding down the slope with an Arbor board beneath your feet, you can be sure that you've contributed at least a bit to a good deed with your purchase as well.

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