Ondra Šenk // 'NO DIG NO SHRED!'

News, Sponsorship

3rd January 2023 | 0 comments

The most entertaining Czech biker and rider of the SNOWBOARD ZEZULA team Ondra Šenk released a new edit! The guys from BIKE O'Clock, in the spirit of the motto "No Dig, No Shred", have built their own rough trail with a lot of wild stuff, which will give them both fun and hard times. Watch how they handled it.

Ondra Šenk // 'NO DIG NO SHRED!'


What does Ondra say about the project?

16 days of building, 4 days of shooting. Moments full of adrenaline, euphoria, uncertainty and fear.

Whoever thought we were going to build a cool family trail was wrong.

We wanted to make the most of the rugged terrain and build a very technical and fun trail with some unusual obstacles. We did it!

Our feelings while riding the BIKE O'Clock LINE are absolutely intense.

You can't conquer this trail on the first try. Just like in life, you don't get anything for free and you have to earn every part of the trail by training and fighting it out. And that's what it's all about.

Introducing our new video "No Dig, No Shred".



Our trail BIKE O'Clock LINE, which grew up in the trailcentre of the Haná Trail in Mostkovice near Prostějov, is a project we have been working on for several months during 2022.

Together with Roman Hájek, the founder of the trail centre, we chose an unused passage on the Haná Paths and at the beginning of the summer we set to work.

The goal was to build a technical and fun trail with some iconic obstacles that would be challenging and photogenic.

Each of these difficult obstacles has an easier version, so even moderately advanced riders will be able to ride our BIKE O'Clock LINE.

This trail is out of the norm - it is not the type of trail that can be ridden the first time without much effort. Each passage and each obstacle is specific and you need to have ridden it and know what to expect from it. The smoothness and flow of the ride only comes when the rider has all the obstacles on the trail sufficiently practiced and can link them effectively.

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              In the spring of 2023, we will complete our trail and organize a collective opening. A documentary about the whole project will be produced during the winter.

              We look forward to your reactions to our "No Dig, No Shred" video and to seeing everyone we meet on our BIKE O'Clock LINE in the future!

              TIME TO RIDE!

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